Year: 2020


Parking on campus improves

With all the changes this year because of coronavirus, parking is one thing that seems to have improved.  Students can almost always find a parking spot behind the library or the stadium at any time of the day.  This is an improvement from previous years where getting to campus early […]


Q & A With Football Freshman

For a few weeks now we have been wondering what the decision on letting college football play was going to be. Some conferences have agreed to play football and others have cancelled their 2020 fall season. All of these decisions to play or not have been caused due to COVID-19. […]


A President’s Message For All Students

Dear Students, It is so good to see you. When I see you walking across Centennial Plaza or down the Main Quad, I remember what I enjoy most about being a college president: Students. You motivate me and everyone who works at Tech to do our best to put you […]


Craving human contact, a COVID-19 survivor story

Human touch can be taken for granted. A handshake when greeting a friend, the accidental brush of two hands together, a gentle kiss on the lips. For some, COVID-19 has prevented even the slightest of touches. For others, through cleanliness practices, touch has been lessened but not eradicated.  Eva Dingwall […]


Services across campus make changes due to coronavirus concerns

RESIDENTIAL LIFE Residential Life officials sent out an email March 12 informing students living in the residence halls that they must return to their permanent homes by March 15. International students, athletes with on-campus obligations and students who cannot return to their permanent homes were able to apply for permission […]


Tech professor pushing education legislature

State legislators tabled a proposed bill requiring social health courses be taught in Tennessee middle schools until June due to the coronavirus pandemic. The bill is sponsored by Sen. Paul Bailey, R-Sparta, in the Senate, and Rep. Ryan Williams, R-Cookeville, in the House. Elizabeth Ramsey, an associate professor of family […]


Trees planted by Tech student survive tornado unscathed

Karen Stevens questioned how trees planted in her backyard by a Tech student survived the March 3 tornado virtually unscathed. “I don’t understand why these trees are still standing when my weeping cherry tree in the front yard did not,” she said. “When my neighbor’s houses had so much damage.” […]

News Sports

Coronavirus impacting Tech athletes and coaches

Cancelling spring sports left 19 senior Tech athletes facing eligibility questions and coaches pondering effects on recruiting. NCAA officials extended eligibility, but those athletes now must decide whether to continue their education another year or graduate. “Right now, I’m not completely sure what I would do. I would love to […]


Tech President approves pass/fail grading option

Tech President Phil Oldham decided undergraduate students with extenuating circumstances may apply to designate a course pass/fail this semester, according to information released by TTU News late Friday. The “grade accommodation” opportunity comes the week Tech students resumed classes online after school officials extended spring break to two weeks because […]


Spring break extended amidst COVID-19 concerns

Expressing safety concerns involving COVID-19, President Phil Oldham on Thursday extended Tennessee Tech University’s spring break for another week and announced subsequent online classes only until further notice.   Students prepared to take a weeklong break beginning Monday, now do not have to return to class until March 27. University […]