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Tech alumni photographs World Archery at the Paris Olympics

Recent Tech alumni and current graduate student, Emily Armstrong, photographed for World Archery at the 2024 Olympics from July 21-Aug. 4 in Paris, France.

Armstrong is a professional photographer with a specialization in sports photography who recently earned undergraduate degrees in Marketing and Data Analytics and is currently pursuing her MBA through the Tech College of Business.

Growing up, Armstrong used to compete in archery, which sparked her passion for photography. Armstrong shared, “…what started with using my dad’s camera to capture archery competitions evolved into a passion for sports photography.” Her work ranges from portraits to sports, effects, scenery and more.

This passion eventually led her to be hired by Tech to capture sports on campus. Armstrong manages a busy schedule and classes, while consistently working for both Tech Athletics and the Office of Communications and Marketing. She has learned to strike the balance of her degree, and turn her passion into a career and produce stunning work.

Armstrong’s keen eye for gorgeous shots and her connection to World Archery gave her the job opportunity of photographing at this year’s Olympics. Her main assignment was to focus on artsy shots of the archery event as well as behind-the-scenes content.

“It was an incredible experience. It was crazy, stressful and fun all rolled into one. Being right in the middle of the action, where every moment felt charged with emotion, was exhilarating. The chaos of coordinating positions, managing equipment, and meeting deadlines was intense, but it was also invigorating to be part of such a significant global event,” Armstrong said.

It took Armstrong years of hard work and dedication to get to this level of photography, and this has earned her the experience of being a part of the large international event.

She stated, “Photographing at the Olympics presented unique challenges, particularly managing the rapid pace and high expectations. The logistical hurdles, including navigating the extensive security, venue protocols, and transportation to the venue with my gear demanded a lot of planning ahead. I biked through Paris traffic every day.”

Armstrong had many memorable experiences at the Olympics, but one topped all. She shared, “One of the most memorable aspects of photographing the 2024 Paris Olympics was the electric atmosphere created by the crowds in the stands during the gold medal matches!”

From Armstrong starting out messing around with a camera photographing her archery bow, to photographing archers at the Olympics, this is an outstanding accomplishment and a true full-circle moment.

Included are photographs Armstrong took at this year’s Olympics. You can find her work at her website and on Instagram at @emgarmstrong.

Article by: Lilly Davis (Photographer)