

Contemporary collection comes to Drama Center

The Backstage Theater series presents an evening of ten-minute plays that will soon be open to the public at the Cookeville Drama Center.The production, “8 X 10”, includes eight plays performed by more than 25 actors and actresses. The pieces performed will be “Good-bye Howard,” “Sure Thing,” “The Office,” “Downtown,” […]


“Oliver Stone, thou hath forsaken me.

The other night, I watched Oliver Stone’s Biopic W. I think I speak for many who have seen the film by noting that Stone’s attempt at showing “both sides” of President George W. Bush seems shockingly diplomatic. Stone doesn’t shrink from presenting the much heralded failures of the man (the […]


MMA hits Tech

Memorial Gym was awakened Saturday night with thousands of people, both young and old, lined up along Quadrangle Drive, eager to see Cookeville’s very first organized fighting event. Blood was spilled, consciousness was lost, and seats were filled as the hoards of fans screamed at the top of their lungs […]


Some Spring Break Tips

1. If you’re driving, check your fluids, tire pressure and luggage security. (Zolpidem) Don’t let faulty bungees donate your clothes to a ditch.2. Make a checklist, you know, like your grandma would. It seems excessive but forgetting the necessities can do you in. 3. Have tools and roadside items on […]


Tech baseball off to 5-2 start

The Golden Eagles returned home from South Carolina with a pair of one-run victories over Marshall and The Citadel, improving Tech’s record to 5-2.In the tourney opener, Adam Liberatore and A.J. Kirby-Jones pitched a combined shutout and Heath Cheverton’s sacrifice fly provided all of the offense as the Golden Eagles […]


Women’s season ends in first round of OVC tourney

The women’s basketball season ended Tuesday for Tech in Charleston, Illinois. The women were defeated in first round action of the Ohio Valley Conference Tournament ending a late season run by the Golden Eagles. Down by as many as 16 early in the contest, the Golden Eagles refused to submit […]


Simran Sethi scheduled to speak

Award-winning, environmental journalist, Simran Sethi will present “Green For All: Environmental Equity” at 7 p.m. on March 24 in Derryberry Hall Auditorium. The Women’s Center, with the help of Center Stage, will host the presentation as part of National Women’s History Month. The National Women’s History Project chose “Women Taking […]


Writing competition accepts entries

Writers get your pens ready because the Golden Eagle Prose Writing Competition is currently accepting submissions. The competition offers two categories: short story and narrative essay. “I’ve been running it for five or six years,” said contest supervisor Michael O’Rourke. O’Rourke also changed the competition from strictly fiction. Both categories […]


Honors promotes graduate fellowships

If you are thinking of pursuing a graduate fellowship to continue education or research, there are resources at Tech to prepare you. “I was aware, many honors programs wanted to educate their students about this,” Interim Director of Honors Rita Barnes said. “These are graduate level fellowships, many of which […]


A helping hand

Many times throughout college students may encounter problems that seem to get them in a rut. Problems occur often, it’s a way of life, but when it gets serious enough to affect your tenure at college is when it’s imperative to get help. The Student Counseling Center is here to […]