

Single mother loses mind, has 14 kids

Nadya Suleman just recently became the mother of eight. Scratch that. She became the mother of 14. After having octuplets 9.5 weeks premature, she brought her grand total up to 14. She already had six kids before the octuplets. By the way, “octuplets” isn’t even recognized by Microsoft Word. The […]


4th and Long: Tech students should be ashamed

Tech fans, I’m going to be blunt. I’m very disappointed in you. As I walked in the Hooper Eblen Center on Tuesday night, I was amazed at the number of people who had come out for the game. By my estimation, there were nearly 4,000 screaming fans in attendance. There […]


Center for Craft gives ‘tree of life’ to Cookeville Regional

Most of us know someone who has cancer or has been affected by the disease and would do anything to make the experience less painful. The Appalachian Center for Craft medals department tried to do just that. The “Tree of Life” sculpture was unveiled at Cookeville Regional Medical Center yesterday. […]


Men’s tennis earns first win in weekend split

The Tech men’s tennis team earned its first win of the season by defeating Indiana State University, but lost to Butler University over the weekend.The Golden Eagles cruised past the Sycamores by a 6-1 score on Feb. 20, when the two teams met at Terra Haute, Ind. Tech split the […]


The Power Play: Welcome back, Tiger

He’s back. That thought has to be going through the minds of all of the players on the PGA Tour right now. Tiger Woods’ return after reconstructive knee surgery means just one thing. Nobody is safe anymore. Who can forget that memorable Monday playoff at the U.S. Open when Tiger […]


Tech prepares students for competitive graduate level fellowships

If you are thinking of pursuing a graduate fellowship to continue education and do research, there are resources at Tech to prepare you. You have to start working toward it now. It takes at least a year of preparation. “I was aware many honors programs wanted to educate their students […]


Usher urges swift passage of Service America Act

Five-time Grammy winning recording artist and philanthropist Usher Raymond IV testified yesterday before the Education and Labor Committee in Washington, DC to plead for the swift passing of the Serve America Act, which President Obama referenced Tuesday night in his Congressional Address. At the invitation of Chairmans Miller and McCarthy, […]


Operating organically – Food Services

You walk through a line in the cafeteria and get food, sit down to eat and then take your plate with leftover food to the racks. Have you ever wondered what happens to the food and waste?Food Services, run by Chartwells, has a program set up with the Agriculture department. […]


Biannual Call for Entries

The Appalachian Center for Craft Exhibition Committee is calling for art work to be displayed in all three galleries at the satellite campus. The committee is reviewing digital photos for solo or group exhibitions in any medium for 2010-2011. The last call for entries was in 2007, and more than […]


Bell talks budget with SGA

An informative source pertaining to the budget crisis visited the Student Government Association at Tuesday night’s meeting.President Bob Bell shared his knowledge of the current situation and what he, personally, foresees happening during the next few months. “Tech has been asked to submit two budget scenarios,” said Bell. Scenario one […]