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‘Dance Moms’ continues to stick around

I have often pondered why I continue to watch ‘Dance Moms.’ Is it for the dancing? No. Is it the competitiveness of competition? No. Is it for the messy, over-the-top mama drama and a wicked dance teacher? That would be the accurate answer. The show is clearly staged in particular […]


New ‘Tonight Show’ host

Get ready, all you night owls. Jimmy Fallon will be hosting “The Tonight Show” for the first time this Monday, Feb. 17. Fallon has quite a lineup for his premiere next week as he gathers all A-listers in his direction. On his first night, guest Will Smith and musical guest […]


Three new restaurants coming to campus

On campus dining options in the RUC will be expanding in the coming months with the addition of three new restaurants. In the first SGA Town Hall meeting of the semester, Director of Dining Services for Chartwells Sam Holm made an announcement confirming the arrival of several new dining options […]


Valentine’s is more than chocolates and candy

Valentine’s Day is a day of love, chocolate, roses, rings, and basically everyone telling you how useless you are because you are single and don’t have someone in your life to “buy” you things. I have never had a Valentine or someone ask me to be his, but this has […]


An Evening with Eve

On February 10th, Tennessee Tech University hosted a luncheon and presentation with Eve Ensler, the playwright and activist, best known for her play, The Vagina Monologues and the organization arising from the play. In between a luncheon with members of previous productions of The Vagina Monologues, Eve sat down with […]


‘That Awkward Moment’ is disappointing

Every new relationship reaches a confusing point where you have to decide if you are going to move forward or move on from the current fling. ‘That Awkward Moment’, starring Zac Efron, Miles Teller, and Michael B. Jordan, offers a sleazy bro twist on the classic rom-com formula. Recently separated […]


Kimmy’s Top Super Bowl Commercials

Maybe we all assumed too much, but the Super Bowl has always been a stage for advertisers to make me roll on the floor, work up some tears, or want to purchase that insurance policy I don’t need. Where is the whimsy that made watching the commercials so worth it […]


Is it drug abuse, or the way to academic success?

Some depend on coffee and soda to get through college classes. Others just use their own willpower. Then, there are students who “pop pills” like Adderall or Vyvanse to get ahead of their classmates. Is the self-medicating drug abuse, or is it the way to success? Now that more and […]


Building interest in loans

How many people actually know anything about banks and loans? We, students, deal with loans every year. Some of only take out what is necessary, while others may take out extra to cover certain expenses. Unfortunately, the undeniable truth is that we will have to pay back every penny…with interest. […]