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Vice President Soni plans to double University research initiatives

Dr. Bharat K. Soni, vice president of research and economic development, spoke about his plans of innovation and research development for Tech at the SGA meeting Tuesday night. “Innovation can happen any place, any time,” said Soni. “We want graduates who are not job seekers, but job creators.” Soni’s said […]


Awesome Eagle wins UCA Mascot National Championship

Tech’s mascot, Awesome Eagle, was crowned with the coveted gold medal when he won first place at the 2014 Universal Cheerleading Association Mascot National Championships at Walt Disney World over winter break. Awesome competed with a minute-and-a-half long skit against four other mascots from across the country to claim his […]


Campus has power outages due to weather

As subfreezing temperatures and chilly winds swept through campus during the last two weeks, Tech facilities worked to keep operations running smoothly. “We’re trying to do everything we can to prepare and ensure the campus is able to meet whatever weather situations occur,” said Andy Loftis, power plant manager in […]


New classes offered at Fit

The Tech Fitness Center is opening the spring semester by launching new fitness classes in which students can enroll. The two most popular classes being introduced are Hip Hop Hustle and Insanity. Both are now available to take and are featured in the fitness class schedule. Abbey Jaffe, health promotions […]


‘The Best Man Holiday’ is a Winner

Fans have been waiting 14 years for the sequel to the 1999 sleeper hit “The Best Man”.  I, too, am a huge fan of the movie, but I’ve been waiting a shorter amount of time than some, because I didn’t watch the original until years after its release. When the […]


James Wallace Livens Up Poet’s Crowd

What do you get when to mix a Nashville band and a Monday night at Cookeville’s Poet’s on the Square? Under normal circumstances, you get a spotty and less-than-enthused crowd of twenty-somethings. However, James Wallace and the Naked Light’s Monday evening show was a delightful exception that awakened a sleepy […]


‘Hunger Games’ Fashion Goes on Sale

Combine bright colors, vivid details and a dash of Nicki Minaj’s obscure selection and you’ve got yourself an outfit from the Capitol building. Yep, I said it; straight from the scenes of the “Hunger Games.” Why does this seem relevant? Well, fashion-merchandising company “” is launching a high-end clothing line […]


Hannah’s Top Holiday Movie Picks

This time of year is huge for the movie industry. As someone who slings popcorn at our local theater, I can tell you personally how many people flock to our doors for family time and quality entertainment this time of year. These movies have generated a lot of buzz and […]


Campus Increases Security in Response to Thefts

TTU students need secure their car radios after last week’s string of vehicle break-ins. Five break-ins to student and faculty vehicles occurred last week with only high-end radios stolen from the vehicles.  University Police are investigating these reports. According to police reports, most of the incidents happen around the Murphy […]


Awesome Eagle to Compete at National Championship

Tech’s very own Awesome Eagle recently received a second place bid to the 2014 National Cheerleading and Dance Team Competition. This is the fifth time Tech has entered this competition since the 90s. Although Awesome hasn’t placed in national competitions until recently, he did participate in a few competitions in […]