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Coming home for the television shows

As Tech’s Homecoming week comes to an end, students anticipate tomorrow’s festivities. The Tech Activities Board is in charge of Homecoming, and the chosen theme is “Tech on TV.”  Every organization participating has a choice to compete in various events throughout the week to gain points for overall Homecoming champions. […]


Alumni Relations reaches out to Tech graduates

Tech Alumni Relations spreads the word to alumni about its services and what it is doing to further connect with graduates. Tracey Duncan, director of alumni relations, said Alumni Relations reaches out to Tech alumni through phone calls, email and internet sources. “In this day of technology, we can do […]


$250k grant to support change from coal to gas

The Tennessee Department of Environment and Conservation awarded Tech the Clean Tennessee Energy Grant Award Oct. 24 in the amount of $250,000 to go toward transitioning from coal to natural gas in energy production. “It’s our anticipation this will be our last winter on coal,” Jack Butler, associate vice president […]


SGA moves to revive Tech traditions

SGA established the Historical Traditions Committee Tuesday night. When student senator Caleb Hodges proposed the idea for this committee, it passed with unanimous support from SGA members. “Our goal is to bring back old tradition and implement new tradition here at Tennessee Tech,” Hodges said. “Other large universities are steeped […]


Editor declares Golden Eagles ‘surprising’ season explainable

Tech’s football team is 0-5 in the OVC and 2-6 overall so far in 2012, one year removed from an Ohio Valley Conference Championship and the school’s first visit to the FCS Playoffs. All I’ve heard the past few weeks is the public’s reasoning for the team’s “poor play,” as […]


Unanswered questions in Libya leave room for speculation

There are some questions lingering about the course of events that led up to the death of four Americans, including U.S. Ambassador Christopher Stevens, in Libya. The Obama Administration has reported the details from the full investigation will not be available for several months. This has left many wondering why. […]


Two things republicans will never admit

I noticed something after watching the final presidential debate Monday night and then flipping between CNN, Fox News and MSNBC. It was clear Barack Obama had won the debate. He outtalked, outwitted and all around outdone Mitt Romney. Romney looked sweaty and nervous while the president was surprisingly specific and […]


Tech football falls short to EKU in final minutes

The Tennessee Tech football team suffered another Ohio Valley Conference loss to No. 23 Eastern Kentucky University last Saturday 42-28. “We were sharp,” Watson Brown, head coach, said on “The Watson Brown Show.” “We played a good game. Both sides of the ball played a very good game, but the […]


Soccer splits weekend, improves to 3-5 in OVC

The Tech soccer team split last weekend’s conference games with a loss Oct. 19 to Austin Peay State University and a win Oct. 21 over Murray State University. The split brings the Golden Eagles’ conference record to 3-5 with two Ohio Valley Conference games left before the tournament starts Nov. […]