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ResLife to host To Write Love on Her Arms

Tech’s Residential Life Office is hosting To Write Love on Her Arms, an event promoting suicide prevention, from 5 to 7 p.m. April 19 on the main quad of campus. TWLOHA is a non-profit organization that was created to people struggling with depression, addiction, self-injury and suicide. Students will write […]

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Alcohol, attendance fee raise concerns

Controversy surrounds President Bob Bell’s April 21 retirement banquet. Some students are concerned about alcohol being served at the function, while faculty and staff are choosing not to attend due to the $42 attendance fee. The banquet, which is in the RUC, is closed to students, with the exception of […]

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TBR announces final three candidates for Tech presidency

The Tennessee Board of Regents announced the three Tech presidential search finalists on Thursday. The Search Advisory Committee narrowed the candidate pool to three, after completing interviews on Wednesday and Thursday. The finalists will visit Tech next week to meet with various university constituent groups, including faculty and staff, students […]


Fee increases come one step closer to approval

The Tennessee Board of Regents’ Business and Finance Committee passed several of Tech’s fee increase requests. During the telephone meeting, held on Monday, the business and finance committee passed Tech fee increase requests, including a raise in mandatory fees and non-mandatory fees. The committee unanimously passed the mandatory fee requests […]


Offending college students is unavoidable

If there’s one thing I’ve learned during my time at Tech, it’s that everything you do or say is going to offend someone. It doesn’t matter if you help a blind man cross the road, kick someone’s pet dog or simply wear high-waisted jeans. You’re going to make someone furious. […]


Rick Santorum’s bitter fight to the end

Look, I’m just going to put it out there: I’ve never been a Rick Santorum fan. My reasons are multifaceted. First of all, I desire to see a Republican victory this November, and Rick Santorum lost his last Senate race by double-digits. If he were the nominee, Santorum risks pulling […]


EXPW proposes youth sports center

Tech’s Department of Exercise Science, Physical Education, and Wellness is wanting to open a center for kids of all ages in youth sports to learn and thrive in life as a person and a player. The department has proposed to create a Center for Positive Youth Sports. This center will […]


ResLife, Habitat for Humanity host Cardboard City on Main Quad

Tech’s Residential Life is hosting Cardboard City from 7 p.m. March 30 to 7 the following morning March 31 at the main quad. Cardboard City, co-hosted by Habitat for Humanity, is an event raising awareness about homelessness and hunger. Proceeds and donations for the event will be split between the […]