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Relay for Life teams needed at Tech on April 15

Cancer has become all too common these days. Last year alone, more than 33,000 people in Tennessee were diagnosed with cancer. Tech is part of a national collaboration of colleges that work together to fight cancer by helping raise money and awareness for the American Cancer Society. Colleges Against Cancer […]


Animal welfare center gains community support

The Pet Education and Training Care Campus proposed by Friends of Cookeville/Putnam County Animals continues to gain support from the community.The initial goal of phase one of the campaign, which is to raise enough funds to secure the property on which to build the P.E.T. Care Campus, has already been […]


Note from the Editor

I love humor. One of the reasons why I enjoy working for “The Oracle” is the office environment. It’s a place where someone can say, “I major in journalism-I have no choice but to marry rich” and know that someone in the office will grin.That being said, when The Oracle […]


Senior thesis studies stress management

Dealing with stress in the best way may improve the overall quality of life. Psychology major Katrina Riedel’s senior thesis, a study dealing with the ways people cope with stress, is likely the first of its kind. Her study compares college students’ stressors with the quality of life the students […]


SGA works on series of new bills

SGA is hoping to make campus safer, cleaner and more efficient for students. Enforcement of the no tobacco rule on campus, the Maintenance Entrance Note Act of 2011 and the Green Fee Committee are all projects on which SGA is currently working.Tech has been a tobacco free campus for more […]


Changing of the Guard: Payne replaces Sutton

History was made as Steve Payne was introduced as the 12th head coach in Tech men’s basketball history Wednesday, the same day that former men’s coach Mike Sutton announced his retirement. Payne previously served on Sutton’s staff as the associate head coach. Effective April 30, Payne will take of the […]


Meal plans offer deep-fried temptation

We’re all well aware of the infamous freshmen 15. College is filled with stress and hours sitting at a desk studying. That stress and lack of activity combined with the pitfalls of eating on campus means weight gain for the majority of us. I am not one of the fortunate […]


Online tools help students assess substance use

How much money are you spending on marijuana and alcohol? That is one question that the Tech Counseling Center interactive web assessment tools, e-CHUG and e-TOKE, ask.Tech staff is attentive to the well-being of the students, encouraging all students to make positive decisions regarding their physical and mental health. The […]


Students voice concerns about Health Services

When sick, students depend on Health Services to provide them with adequate care and medicine. However, during this past flu season, Health Services was not as reliable as students and parents had expected.Danica Clark, a junior marketing major, went to the infirmary at 11:30 a.m. Tuesday, Feb. 15. Before entering, […]