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Student on the street

Do you dedicate more time to your subjects now with online classes or before when we had in-person classes?     “I prefer in-person classes, especially being an engineering major. A lot of our classes have labs that are best learned in-person, being hands-on with equipment from the work field. […]


Siraj paves the way for women in cybersecurity

Dr. Ambareen Siraj, professor of computer science at Tech has been named Cybersecurity Person Of the Year by Cybersecurity Ventures. Siraj is a founding director of the cybersecurity education, research and outreach center at Tech. She also established Women in Cybersecurity, a global organization known for bringing together talented women […]


Business major weighs in on Gamestop Stockmarket rise and fall

Robinhood CEO, Vlad Tenev, raised questions when he decided to stop trading on multiple popular stocks. Many stocks were frozen – among them were GameStop and AMC Entertainment.    Dalton Pharris, a Business Management major voiced his opinion as to whether or not the Robinhood CEO should face consequences. “Absolutely, […]


Tech professor and alumni bond over life

Across two states are two strangers with two things in common: their love for Tennessee Tech and compatible organs. Texas resident Ray Matthews, a 74-year-old Tech alumnus, was in search of a liver donor last year. He was diagnosed with polycystic liver disease, a condition that caused over 200 cysts […]


Baptist Collegiate Ministry Welcomes Students

Tennessee Tech has over 400 different clubs and student organizations, and it can be overwhelming to try and figure out which clubs and or organizations you want to join.  Deciding which group to join, or which is the right fit, takes time and research. An easy way is to find […]


Native Tennesseean Becomes NFL Head Coach

A native Tennessean, David Culley, has been selected to be the next Houston Texans head coach in the NFL.  Culley, born in Sparta, TN, has been in the NFL for quite some time, but he came from familiar grounds in Tennessee. He led his high school team, the Sparta Warriors, […]


A gift to poetry and America

The Inauguration of the 46th President took place on January 20, 2021.  Amanda Gorman, age 22, made headlines as she delivered her poem “The Hill We Climb” in front of millions from the steps of the U.S. Capitol.  “Like much of America, I was mesmerized. My feelings caught up in […]


Virtual concert brings music to the world

On Saturday, January 23, 2021 Dr. Scott Hagarty from the school of music held a Virtual Faculty Recital. Hagarty performed music for unaccompanied trumpet as well as trumpet and electronic accompaniment.  He was joined, and accompanied by Dr. Michael Adduci for the world premiere of Neil Flory’s newly composed piece, […]


Tech Welcomes Back Football and other Fall Sports

Tennessee Tech Athletics is in for a heavier workload this semester due to last semester’s cancellations and the Coronavirus pandemic. They are scheduled to compete in not only their traditional spring sports such as baseball, softball and tennis, but also in traditional fall sports such as football, volleyball and soccer. […]


Spring Break Still on for Tech Students

 After a mere two weeks of classes, many students find themselves longing for spring break. Fortunately for Tech students, President Oldham has decided to keep spring break in the schedule. Other schools, however, are making a different choice.   The University of Tennessee Knoxville announced on their coronavirus guidelines page that […]