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Barbara Ehrenreich scheduled to speak at Center Stage event

Journalist Barbara Ehrenreich will present her best-selling book, “Nickel and Dimed: On (Not) Getting by in America,” at 6 p.m. this Thursday in Derryberry Hall Auditorium.”Nickel and Dimed”, a New York Times bestseller and required reading at over 600 colleges and universities, investigates the impact of the 1996 welfare reform […]


Tech and Austin Peay tangle Saturday

The Golden Eagle football team returns home Saturday to face in-state Ohio Valley Conference rival Austin Peay. Tech (1-2, 0-1 OVC) has fallen to the Governors by a mere three points each of the last two years. This rivalry is also part of the battle for the Sgt. York Trophy, […]


New rule makes for unfriendly dining

Don’t plan on treating a friend to lunch anytime soon.A new rule for meal plans does not allow those with 65 or 85 meals per semester to “treat” a friend or guest. Those with 10, 15, or 19 meals per week can only use meals to treat friends on Friday […]


Flu shot supply limited, going quickly

At time of printing the J.J. Oakley Campus Health Services distributed nearly all the seasonal flu shots available on Tech campus. The 400 shots at Health Services went quickly to students and faculty, leaving many wondering why there was only enough for less than four percent of campus. “We ordered […]


Youth movement: Freshmen playing major role in soccer season

With such a young team, Tech’s soccer team is looking to get their rhythm and play like the team they feel they have the potential to be.Brooke Mayo, a center mid and Jen Hoffman, an outside mid and forward, are optimistic about the 12 new freshmen on the team. Despite […]


This just in: Yes, there is enough parking

The first weeks of the semester came and went, and once again the campus underwent parking problems. And, once again, those problems were not necessary. Believe it or not, there is enough parking on campus. It may be hard to find, and you may need to drive to outskirts of […]


Chlamydia is frequent on University campus

Chlamydia is the most common and underreported sexually transmitted disease at Tech, however reported cases are not increasing compared to previous years. “Over the past 30 years, [reported cases of chlamydia] remained virtually the same,” Randy Tompkins, supervisor for the J.J. Oakley Campus Health Services, said. “There were some periods […]


Kurdistan universities helped by College of Engineering

The College of Engineering has joined a curriculum development program to help two universities in Kurdistan receive accreditation for their own engineering programs. Faisal Hossain, assistant professor of civil and environmental engineering, has been given the assignment of coordinating the development of the undergraduate civil engineering curriculum for the Kurdistan […]


Mathematics Department receives endowment

Tennessee Tech’s Mathematics Department now has a new scholarship fund thanks to a generous donation made last Wednesday. An endowment for the department has been established to honor Emeritus Professor of Mathematics Richard P. Savage, Sr. Don and Marion Savage, Savage’s brother and sister-in-law, gifted the Richard P. Savage, Sr. […]