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University creates alcohol, drug amnesty

Tech has big plans in its future dealing with alcohol-related emergencies on campus. Ed Boucher, dean of students, is currently composing a policy to help reduce the number of alcohol-related emergencies that go unreported each year on campus. “A medical amnesty policy seeks to decrease the likelihood that a student […]


Tech graduates teach near and far

Tech’s College of Education spring graduates are teaching near and far- from as close as Cookeville to as far as Virginia. There were 278 graduates Spring 2009. Teacher Education Director Sandy Smith estimates that about 200 of them currently hold teaching jobs at local school systems in the region. Some […]


Student awaiting January court date

Tech police arrested Blake McNew on charges of public intoxication and vandalism on Sept.8.According to the Tech police report filed by arresting officer Donald Merriman, several students reported a disturbance on the fifth floor of Dunn Hall involving a white male in a white shirt and blue jeans knocking on […]


President Bell conveys conference focus to class

President Bob Bell attended the 2009 Tennessee Governor’s Conference on Economic Development this past Monday and Tuesday. And he hopes to bring such economic awareness into his classroom.The annual conference that was held in Nashville focused on economic development within the state, with many topics focused on bringing more jobs […]


Chartwells changes meal plan usage policy

Some students may remember using a meal on their self and a friend in the Tech cafeteria in previous years. This year, however, some changes have been made to the meal plan usage policy.According to the new policy, “Students on the 19, 15, or 10 meal plans may not use […]


Preliminary numbers reflect record enrollment

A decade-long trend of increasing enrollment is set to continue in 2009, according to preliminary reports. Overall enrollment is up from 2008, and once the official numbers come in, Tech’s enrollment is expected to be at an all-time high, according to Robert Hodum, executive director of enrollment management. “Preliminary numbers […]


Being loud doesn’t mean you can sing

Sunday night Facebook statuses popped up, giving me up-to-the-minute insights on how much my friends don’t like Kanye West. For those of you outside the MTV culture, West, who reportedly was drunk earlier in the evening, took the stage during Taylor Swift’s acceptance speech for “Best Female Video” and proclaimed […]


Mr. West, you’re the best

When you woke up Monday morning and checked your Facebook news feed, did you see the same chain of ‘I hate Kanye West’ or ‘Kanye sucks’ updates I did? If you did, then you probably quickly decided if you are on Team Swift or Team West. Here is why you […]


MBA program to host guest speaker

Tech’s MBA studies will be holding a round table discussion with a prestigious guest speaker to share his business experience with graduate students. The discussion is set to take place at 11 a.m. on Tuesday in Johnson Hall Room 218. The featured speaker is local businessman and long time Tech […]


University combats H1N1

The H1N1 influenza virus is currently making a minor appearance at Tech this semester, but a vaccine was approved by the Food and Drug Administration Tuesday night. With students vigilantly implementing the University health guidelines, they should also be aware when the vaccine will be available on campus. “It was […]