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MMA hits Tech

Memorial Gym was awakened Saturday night with thousands of people, both young and old, lined up along Quadrangle Drive, eager to see Cookeville’s very first organized fighting event. Blood was spilled, consciousness was lost, and seats were filled as the hoards of fans screamed at the top of their lungs […]


“Oliver Stone, thou hath forsaken me.

The other night, I watched Oliver Stone’s Biopic W. I think I speak for many who have seen the film by noting that Stone’s attempt at showing “both sides” of President George W. Bush seems shockingly diplomatic. Stone doesn’t shrink from presenting the much heralded failures of the man (the […]


My MMA solution to frivolous abortion

Last week, I mentioned the insanity of one woman and her quest for birthing a million kids (or just 14). It saddens me deeply that someone like her would receive free IVF when deserving, rational, loving people all over the country can’t afford to actually pay for it. Women and […]


Art, credit, savings opportunities from Craft Center

Tech students, faculty and staff get a 50 percent discount on all workshops offered at the Appalachian Center for Craft and can receive a one-hour elective credit for the six-day intensive summer workshops.Over 100 workshops are offered each year in six medium: blacksmithing, clay, fibers, glass, metals and wood. “The […]


Some Spring Break Tips

1. If you’re driving, check your fluids, tire pressure and luggage security. (Zolpidem) Don’t let faulty bungees donate your clothes to a ditch.2. Make a checklist, you know, like your grandma would. It seems excessive but forgetting the necessities can do you in. 3. Have tools and roadside items on […]


Contemporary collection comes to Drama Center

The Backstage Theater series presents an evening of ten-minute plays that will soon be open to the public at the Cookeville Drama Center.The production, “8 X 10”, includes eight plays performed by more than 25 actors and actresses. The pieces performed will be “Good-bye Howard,” “Sure Thing,” “The Office,” “Downtown,” […]


Canadian Brass coming to Bryan Fine Arts

Center Stage is bringing the Grammy Award winning Canadian Brass Quintet to the Bryan Fine Arts building. You may have seen Canadian Brass featured on The Tonight Show, Today or Entertainment Tonight, and now you have the opportunity to see them live at 7:30 p.m., March 16, in the Wattenbarger […]


Defeat the empty pocket-blues this break

Today is the Friday before Spring Break. You’re looking down at your out-turned pockets, the international symbol for “no scratch.” Avoid wallowing in the ills of a homebound break and revel in the freedom of a considerably roomy weeklong schedule.But now you’re looking up with round, watery eyes asking, “How […]


The Power Play: Welcome back, Tiger

He’s back. That thought has to be going through the minds of all of the players on the PGA Tour right now. Tiger Woods’ return after reconstructive knee surgery means just one thing. Nobody is safe anymore. Who can forget that memorable Monday playoff at the U.S. Open when Tiger […]


4th and Long: Tech students should be ashamed

Tech fans, I’m going to be blunt. I’m very disappointed in you. As I walked in the Hooper Eblen Center on Tuesday night, I was amazed at the number of people who had come out for the game. By my estimation, there were nearly 4,000 screaming fans in attendance. There […]