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Football preview: Jacksonville State

The Golden Eagles take to the field Saturday in their annual Homecoming game, as they will host the Jacksonville State Gamecocks. Tech (3-7 overall, 1-5 OVC) returns home after falling at Tennessee State by a 41-14 count last weekend. JSU is still in the running for a share of the […]


Place wins OVC individual title, teams improve

Jaycee Golf Course, in Cape Girardeau, Mo., was the “place” where history was made for Tennessee Tech Cross Country. Referring to Stephanie Place, who earned the title of 2008 OVC Runner of the Year for her outstanding performances throughout the season. She won the individual title, and in doing so […]


Club Jet, the new club in Cookeville

There is some news floating around the club scene in Cookeville. There is a new club in town, and it’s called Club Jet. Club Jet is located at 942 E. 10th St. and is open from 5 p.m. to 3 a.m., which seems unique for a club , but it […]


Fresh Fusion opens in Swoops Food Court in the RUC

The construction is done, the lines are shorter, and a fresh new look has been added to Swoops Food Court. After a long wait for the Fire Marshall’s approval to open, students got the chance on Monday to get a taste of the grand opening of Fresh Fusion, a two-station […]


Students stamped with Tech post office fee

Students logging on to Eagle online during advisement week may have incurred a tardy $14 Tech post office box fee. While converting from the old S.I.S. data system to the new Banner system, all records regarding student post office box information did not simply convert over onto student accounts. “So, […]


Sweet victory: confessions of a happy liberal

I wanted to provide a cartoon this week, instead of a column.My boss said it was a no go. But here is what it would have looked like: a stick figure (labeled “Lucas”) raising the roof for five or so frames. Why am I raising the roof? President Elect Barack […]


Some Americans got what they wanted, some didn’t. So what’s next?

Ignorance and racism ended when Barack won the election on Tuesday night. Ha. Just joshin’ ya. Tuesday night I played Ultimate Frisbee while people drove by on Willow Avenue screaming for joy. Wednesday morning flyers screaming hate were posted all over Henderson residence hall at Carson-Newman College. Henderson is a […]


Students and Soldiers

Passing them on campus, Bill Kinnard and Matthew Gary look like typical Tech students going about their day, toting their work in backpacks and exchanging laughs with friends on South Patio. However, their stories of college life are far from typical.Along with being students, Kinnard and Gary are both in […]


Res Life explores residential colleges program further

Tech’s Residential Life Office is exploring possible ways to implement a residential colleges program.After a seminar in September that brought experts to campus to describe how residential colleges have blurred the boundaries between academics and college life, subcommittees of Tech representatives are now studying ways to successfully start a similar […]


Athletics proposes strength center construction

The Tennessee Tech Strength and Conditioning department is looking forward to a proposed makeover and eventually a new facility.Head strength coach Chip Pugh has worked on improving the system since coming to Tech in 2006. “The goal is to progress the program to be at the top of the OVC”, […]