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‘10 Cloverfield Lane’ stages tense, unique surprise

SOMETHING’S COMING – ‘10 Cloverfi eld Lane’ was completed in secret and announced only two months before its release date through a surprise trailer attached to ‘13 Hours.’ ‘10 Cloverfield Lane’ is a different kind of beast. There has been no bigger film reveal of the year so far than the […]


International cooperation is needed to defeat global threats

SUSPECT IN CUSTODY – Salah Abdeslam was named by Belgium authorities as "the most wanted man in Europe." Last Friday marked a day of triumph for the people of France. Salah Abdeslam, a suspected ISIS terrorist involved in the Paris attack of November 2015, was captured after a raid on his hideout in Brussels, […]


College students can make America great once again

TRIUMPHANT – March's primary elections revealed the Republican front-runner as Donald Trump. The Super Tuesday Primaries in the South recently came to an end with Hilary Clinton winning 1614 delegates to lead the Democratic Party and Trump taking 678 delegates to lead the Republican Party. Bernie Sanders fell short of Clinton […]


Chemical engineering wins “Best Darn Major” title

E-WEEK – Engineering students race against the clock to assemble and dissemble the DaVinci Bridge during the SAME Obstacle course. Chemical engineering won the SAME Obstacle course event during E-Week. For the first time since 2010, chemical engineers won the “Best Darn Major” award as part of the annual Engineering Week, […]


FOCUS Act prompts discussion among students and faculty of impact on campus

Students and faculty have voiced their concerns on Gov. Bill Haslam’s proposed Focus on College and University Success Act. President Philip Oldham remains positive about the changes, but faculty and students are skeptical. “At Tech, we embrace the autonomy this change will bring and also recognize the increased responsibility our […]


Rugby wins first Dixie conference title, playoffs to begin March 19

NO. 1 – Blake Holder tackles a runner from the Lee University rugby team on Saturday, Feb. 20. Tennessee Tech’s Rugby team claimed its first Dixie Conference title after defeating its No. 1 rival, Lee University, Saturday, Feb. 20. Tech Rugby walked away from Lee’s home field with a victory of […]


Nontraditional Student Organization elects new officers for Spring semester

Tennessee Tech’s Nontraditional Student Organization met Tuesday, Feb. 23 in Southwest Hall to discuss upcoming events and plans for 2016. “A traditional student is defined as anyone 18 to 24 years old. They’re someone who’s starting college straight out of high school,” said Director of the Interdisciplinary Student Success Center, […]